Is your company’s Questionnaire within the permissible margins? Here’s a quick test – – can you identify the one question below that would NOT be permissible?
Symptoms: Have you had a fever in the last 10 – 14 days? Shortness of breath? Cough? Felt fatigue? Experienced recent loss of taste or smell?
Potential Exposure: Have you had contact with a person known to be infected or exposed to someone infected with COVID-19 within the previous 14 days? Have you or someone you’ve been in contact with traveled domestically or internationally in the last 14 days? Have you or someone you’ve been in contact with attended a gathering where proper social distancing protocol was not followed in the past 14 days?
Fitness to Return to Work : Have you been away from the workplace for more than three consecutive business days? If so, please provide a doctor’s note that you do not have COVID-19. Also please list all medications you are currently taking, the dosage amount and frequency.
Storing employee health information – – remember, not kept in employee personnel files.